The Race to Reskill: Have Productive Virtual Meetings
This is the third in our blog series focusing on reskilling priorities in this increasingly digitized world. Last week we looked at the critical importance for leaders to create psychological safety. Today we focus on the massive skill deficit that the current global...
COVID-19: Hope & Possibility
In recent posts we’ve explored the five stages of change and ways to support others. Moving through denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally to acceptance. What can we expect once we’re able to accept our new reality? Acceptance of recent events can leave us...
The Importance of Fairness
Playing fair isn’t just for kids, it’s a significant non-conscious driver of our daily behavior and experiences. Our social brain is always monitoring the fairness of our daily interactions. Scientists have found that when we feel something is unfair, it triggers the...
Why Tough Conversations Don’t Have To Be Hard
No one likes having tough workplace conversations. Shooting the breeze, chatting around the water cooler, catching up over lunch are all much more enjoyable. But if done right, tough conversations are excellent opportunities to grow, coach and foster cohesion among...
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