Hardwiring Habits: How Resilient Are You?
What habits are you hardwiring these days? The thoughts and activities we focus on and repeat, become hardwired in our brain over time. Choose your focus carefully. Resilience, as it turns out, is something learned that can also become hardwired; it’s a skill to...
Hardwiring Habits: Goals are Like Rocket Fuel
Great goals are like rocket fuel for your brain. Just like putting the right address into your GPS system, you will arrive at your desired destination faster and easier. So, what MAKES a goal great? Today’s blog kicks off our series on ‘hardwiring habits’. Goals we...
Your Brain on Boo!
Fear sets off a chain reaction of events in our brain. It kicks off a rapid and deeply wired, non conscious set of responses designed to save our life. One could say there are two key types of fear: The sudden, extreme and short lasting kind – like when someone jumps...
A Better Way to Learn: Take the Time
In this current blog series we share research based tips on how to get the most out of virtual learning so people can memorize and apply new skills. Critical, is the installation of new brain PARTS. Quite literally. Let’s look at the T in PARTS: Learn over time....
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