Reimagining goals: Picture Power!
The holidays are a perfect time to reflect on your goals for 2022. We hope you can incorporate some of the following research-based suggestions for achieving what is important to you. We think in pictures Thanks to millions of years of human evolution, compared to...
Reimagining goals: Make them personal!
GOALS – It’s Personal! As another year draws to a close, our brain’s desire for certainty and social advancement has us contemplating our goals for the coming year. Effective goal setting, despite often being a work-related task, is very much a personal experience. If...
New World of Work: Video on or off?
Over the past two years, we’ve come to rely heavily on using video in our meetings with others. Interestingly, research suggests that video is helpful for some types of interactions, and less so for others. It can actually impair our ability to focus, think, and...
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